Get the Bookmarklet

To install the To English Bookmarklet visit the webpage at Lifehacker (link below), grab the bookmarklet with your mouse, and drag it to your “Bookmarks Toolbar”. Now you are ready for one-click translation into English.

To English in Action

We decided to test our new bookmarklet on two different International Mozilla websites. The first one was in Swedish…

One click and there it is. Notice that there is a “translation bar frame” that will still let you choose yet another language to translate the webpage into if you desire. Definitely a nice touch…

Our second example was in Russian. Once again a single click and…

The website is now in English. On this particular page the “central green graphic” was affected by the translation and the two sidebar buttons are “pre-made” but that is ok. You can read what you need to without any problems.


If you have been wanting a bookmarklet that just focuses on translating into English then this should be perfect for you. If you are looking for a bookmarklet that gives you access to a Google Translation Bar then be certain to see our article here.


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