Enjoy the clip, more after the break… http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=169308&server=vimeo.com&show_title=1&show_byline=1&show_portrait=0&color=&fullscreen=1Magnetosphere revisited (audio by Tosca) from flight404 on Vimeo.

So – rumours emerging from the excellent Create Digital Music website suggest that the new visualiser inside of iTunes 8 may be based on the Magnetosphere visualiser until recently made available as an iTunes plug-in. As reported by video producer and designer Allan White, Magnetosphere has recently been sold to a third party, and the nature of the visualiser closely matches the description of the feature given by Digg founder Kevin Rose earlier this week. “[Robert] Hodgins built a wonderful iTunes visualizer called Magnetosphere a while back – which mysteriously disappeared from his site a few months back. I wrote him, and he said that it had been sold to a third party. There’s strong evidence that this third party is in fact Apple, and that it may ship with iTunes 8, which could be shown as soon as next week at an iPod Event,” White reports. Via: TUAW