While a series about the struggles of a small Texas town’s high school football team, itself an adaptation of a moderately successful feature film starring Billy Bob Thornton, surprised everyone by becoming the critical darling that it was — weird murder subplot aside — the series sometimes struggled to find an audience during its initial run. It’s final season actually aired on DirecTV’s 101 Network, instead of NBC where the series began. After its initial run, however, Friday Night Lights found a second life, thanks to its availability on streaming outlets like Netflix and now Hulu. 

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In addition to the Emmy-winning The Handmaid’s Tale, miniseries like The Looming Tower, and Marvel’s Runaways, Hulu has been bolstering its catalog with the likes of The Golden Girls, Felicity, Dawson’s Creek, and the complete TGIF block of programming. But the real feather in its cap might be all 15 seasons of NBC’s ER.

The streaming service surprised everyone earlier this year with its acquisition of the acclaimed and long-running medical drama, especially after it had become a holy grail of sorts as far as acclaimed series that were impossible to find online. Since making its return thanks to Hulu, ER has become a topic of conversation again nearly 10 years after it ended. Though it hasn’t been unavailable for nearly as long, it’s a good bet Coach Taylor and the rest of the Dillon Panthers will on people’s minds again very soon as well. 

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Friday Night Lights seasons 1-5 are currently available to stream on Hulu.