This update includes several quality-of-life changes like an improved lock-on system and better frame rate stability, as well as player requested changes such as a dodge roll, better MP management, and more warping zones.
After the release of the demo, Square Enix asked the players directly what their thoughts on the game were. While the game was mostly well received by players, there were a few definite issues with the game like frame-rate drops, targeting issues, and a bad party A.I. It seems that Square listened to their fans and a few weeks later Episode Duscae v2.0 was announced.
Final Fantasy XV still has no release date but is slated for a 2016 release. Game director Hajime Tabata has stated that the demo takes place early in the game’s main scenario. All of the changes in the demo (as well as some other new features) will be put into the finished version of the game.
What do you guys think of the new update? Better? Worse? Let me know in the comments below!