Eric Greitens claims that a 2018 report by the Missouri House Special Investigative Committee on Oversight, which found the lady’s charges sound, has been dismissed.

Greitens is an American extreme right legislator, creator, and previous Navy SEAL who filled in as the 56th legislative head of Missouri from January 2017 till his renunciation in June 2018 over rape claims and mission finance abnormalities.

VIDEO: Eric Greitens Affair Scandal With Hairdresser The woman let lawmakers know that which began as a squash on future Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens transformed into a progression of sexual experiences in 2015 in which he got, slapped, pushed, offended, and undermined her, leaving her crying and terrified.

Greitens has denied being oppressive or compromising, demanding that the months-long undertaking was consensual and that it was a “individual mix-up” done before his political race. He has alluded to the regulative board’s examination as a “political witch chase.”

The lady’s story was uncovered in an upsetting report gave Wednesday by a gathering of House individuals thinking about prosecution procedures against Greitens. In the event that her record is right, she was compromised by one person — Greitens — and deluded by another — her ex, who secretively taped a discussion in which she point by point her most memorable sexual contact with Greitens and conveyed it to a TV slot.

She’s likewise been unconsciously hauled into an exceptionally political cycle that could bring about assaults on her standing and validity. And all of this has occurred regardless of the way that she has never been openly perceived, has never gone to the police, and has never mentioned an examination.

Greitens was accused of crime attack of protection by a terrific jury in St. Louis on February 22, 2018. He was delivered on his own recognizance and didn’t show up in court interestingly.

Eric Greitens Releases a Gun-Toting Video Previous Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens delivered a video on Monday portraying him and a pack of men in strategic stuff with rifles pursuing down Republicans who aren’t sufficiently moderate, tightening up the conflict like tone of his Senate crusade.

Greitens, a Republican, is seen on the video conveying a rifle and distinguishing himself as a Navy SEAL. He professes to be keeping watch for RINOs, or “Conservatives in Name Only.”

The video was delivered following two high-profile mass shootings and as Congress appears to gain ground on weapon savagery regulation. Conservatives and Democrats arrived at an understanding keep going week on a bipartisan system for regulation tending to emotional wellness, school security, and making it more hard for youngsters to get a firearm.

His mission didn’t answer a solicitation for input immediately. It’s muddled whether the video was made only for gathering pledges on Twitter or on the other hand assuming it would be communicated on TV.

— Matt Pearce 🦅 (@mattdpearce) May 22, 2018

Meet Eric Greitens Wife Sheena Greitens From 2011 to 2020, Eric Greitens was hitched to Sheena Elise Chestnut. They have two children together.

Greitens’ union with Rebecca Wright, his most memorable spouse, was ended in separate in 2003.

Eric Greitens and Sheena Greitens affirmed their separation on April 11, 2020. Sheena Greitens reported not long after that she had taken a situation as an academic partner of political theory at the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas at Austin.

She is especially inspired by East Asia, US public safety, dictator governmental issues, and international strategy.

In a marked proclamation recorded in 2022, Greitens’ ex blamed him for actual brutality during their marriage, including “binding our then-3-year-old child across the face during supper,” and guaranteed that because of the maltreatment, “measures were taken to restrict his admittance to weapons.”