Event Horizon’s nightmarish “Blood Orgy” sequence was originally even more disturbing. Paul W.S. Anderson followed up his video game adaptation Mortal Kombat with Event Horizon, which follows a rescue crew as they investigate what happened on the titular ship, which reemerges after vanishing seven years previously. They find it empty but soon discover the ship when through a rift in space and literally took its old crew to Hell - the sentient ship is now looking to repeat history.

Event Horizon was a box-office dud upon release in 1997 but has since become a cult classic. It’s got a fantastic cast, including Laurence Fishburne, Sam Neill, Joely Richardson, and Jason Isaacs, in addition to striking production design. While the film is often dubbed Hellraiser In Space, it stands on its own as a chilling horror ride. The film contains several sequences and lines that have been become well-known, including the infamous scene where the rescue team watches a video revealing the fate of the original crew.

This Event Horizon crew video only displays brief but disturbing glimpses of the crew murdering and assaulting one another, including a shot of a man pulling out his own innards through his mouth. It’s one of the most haunting moments of the film, but the original cut of Event Horizon was even more graphic. Since the production was rushed Anderson was only left with a short time to assemble his first cut to show to Paramount executives. The lack of finesse in this edit also lingered on the violence, which was apparently so intense it led at least one audience member fainting. The unhappy studio ordered the director to trim the gore way back, which is especially evident in the “Blood Orgy” scene.

Dave Bonneywell (Game Of Thrones), an effects artist on Event Horizon, later detailed in response to a fan what was shot but later cut out of the “Blood Orgy.” Bonneywell was told by Anderson to come up with creative effects for the scene and the director chose the ones he liked best. Some choice deletions include a woman being held down while screws are drilled into her teeth, a man’s legs beaten with pipes to point they break off as he crawls away, a crew member’s breast being torn off and another who’s arm is broken with a pipe but the hand is still seen wiggling.

In addition, numerous gore effects like bites and stab wounds were trimmed from the scene. This whole sequence was shot over two days by another director called Vadim Jean, and the crew knew most of what they were filming would likely be cut. The original version also made it clear that sexual assaults were happening in addition to the mutilations. In the end, it’s little wonder executives were so blindsided by the viciousness of the uncut “Blood Orgy” sequence and were overzealous in ordering Anderson to cut most of it. This footage is unlikely to be seen or restored, however, since footage from Event Horizon was stored in a salt mine and found to have degraded beyond use when the studio was looking to use it for a 2006 special edition DVD release.

Next: All 10 Hellraiser Movies, Ranked Worst To Best