How do I get a student discount?

First, you’ll need to have a .edu email address. Once you verify that your school provides financial aid, you can apply for a 60% discount on all orders. This discount is valid for all of your classes, even ones that don’t have anything to do with Etsy! For example, if I am an accounting major taking photography courses as an elective, my entire order would still be eligible for a 60% discount off my order total. So cool, right? It applies to purchases made by anyone in your household—even those not enrolled in any kind of class at all—and it extends up until three years after graduation (though you may only claim two years of discounts). Who knows why they made such generous offers; it probably has something to do with their campaign advertising towards college students.

How long does my student status last?

If you’re still in school, check out your course load for the remaining semesters and know how much time you have left before graduation. Keep in mind that after your graduation date passes, you can no longer take advantage of student discounts offered by many vendors, like ETSY. Keep close tabs on when your status ends so that you’re aware of when it’s time to start paying full price.

How do I show proof of student status?

Esty requires that you show proof of your student status by adding a scanned copy of your current student ID, either from an accredited school or a secondary institution. If you are still a high school student, you will need to provide proof of acceptance into a college or university. Go ahead and upload that scanned copy right now. To access it at any time, simply click on Account in the top-right corner. Scroll down until you see Proof of Eligibility under Order Information. Click Show Proof – A scanned copy of your student ID should appear in a pop-up window for reference whenever you check out on Etsy!


It is important for students to save money, whether they are going out with friends or shopping online. Etsy has a lot of different items that students can purchase and use as gifts. The key is making sure that they qualify for a student discount on Etsy items. This should not be too difficult, especially since there are so many students who want to shop online but do not have much money in their pockets. All that they need to do is know to look at Student Discount on Esty’s before purchasing any of these products. They will find that it will be easier to make some unique purchases without sacrificing quality. They can also bring something home to give away as a gift to someone close to them.

Who qualifies for student discounts?

The good news is that there’s no limit on how many orders you can place, or how much of your item is eligible for a discount. If you qualify for a 50% discount, all of your items will be discounted by 50%. The bad news is that some restrictions apply. Orders over $100 don’t qualify for a student discount, and neither do shipping costs.

Can you use a student discount if you are not a student? 

No, unfortunately. The student financial aid requirement is relatively easy to meet, but it’s also strict and must be met to qualify for a discount. If you’re considering having someone else purchase an item using their credentials, think again—the same restriction applies here.

How many discount codes can I use on Etsy?

One. It’s one of our standard terms, and a rule you must follow if you wish to have your order discounted. Using more than one student discount code will lead to your order being cancelled and a complete refund issued.

How do I apply a student discount code? 

When you get to the checkout, you’ll be asked for your student ID number. Enter it in and click apply; we’ll take care of applying your discount automatically, instantly bringing down your order total. It is that easy!