Ready to evolve? Keep reading to check out these hand-picked fashions inspired by some of your favorite Pokemon!

Pokemon: Bulbasaur

Just because Bulbasaur is monochromatic, it doesn’t mean that your Poke Style inspired look has to be monotonous. This Fall, keep Spring and Summer going with a flirty mint colored gathered dress and pair it with a teal cardigan. Accessorize with red and silver drop style earrings as vibrant as Bulbasaur’s eyes, white and mint flat styled shoes, and an adorable emerald green drawstring purse to stay armed with your “vine whip” and “razor leaf” attacks. 





Pokemon: Charmander

Match the leaves this Fall with a burst of vibrant shades of orange in this Charmander inspired look. Experiment with orange ombre with this fantastic jumper and felted bag mellowing it out with french vanilla trousers and white flats. Just like Charmander, this look is both spunky and fiery. 





Pokemon: Staryu

If you’re not the type to cling onto Summer and are ready for Fall, Staryu has the perfect Autumn color scheme for you to be inspired by. Not too dark and not too light. You’ll be a star in this simple brown sleeveless cotton A-line dress paired with a fuchsia obi style belt and yellow shoulder purse. Add a modest gold star necklace and ankle boots and you’re all set. 






Pokemon: Bellsprout

Though he doesn’t look like much, Bellsprout is actually full of potential. His earthly colors might make you think his style could only be evergreen, but with a few layers he’ll evolve your fashion senses. Get in touch with nature with this maxi chiffon skirt, layered camisole and elongated cardigan. Too heavy? Lighten your layers up with a blush pink laser cut floral purse and wedge styled boots and watch your style take root. 








Well that’s it for the girls. How’d I do? Let me know in the comments and be sure to be on the look out for part two where I switch hats to help the guys find out how their Fall fashions can evolve too!