Head legal officer (AG) K.K. Venugopal proposed a few main points of interest – – whether the 103rd Constitutional revision can be said to penetrate the fundamental design of the Constitution by allowing the state to make extraordinary arrangements, including reservation, in view of financial measures?


Whether the 103rd Constitution alteration can be said to break the fundamental construction of the Constitution by allowing the state to make exceptional arrangements comparable to admission to private independent foundations?

Furthermore, might the change at any point be said to penetrate the essential design of the Constitution likewise in barring the SEBCS/OBCs/SCs/STs from the extent of EWS reservation?

A five-judge Constitution seat headed by Chief Justice U.U. Lalit said the three issues recommended by the AG extensively covered every one of the perspectives brought up in the petitions testing the Constitutional legitimacy of the 103rd Constitutional revision.

The seat, likewise containing judges Dinesh Maheshwari, S. Ravindra Bhat, Bela M. Trivedi and J.B. Pardiwala, noticed the issues outlined by a few direction and afterward chose to take up the three inquiries outlined by the AG as the center issues to be chosen.

The seat booked the group of supplications recorded by the NGO ‘Janhit Abhiyan’ and others for hearing from September 13.

Senior backers P. Wilson, Sanjay Parikh and different insight recommended their own issues for settlement by the court.

Senior backer Gopal Sankaranarayanan presented that there are almost 55 such issues, which were proposed by the guidance addressing different gatherings regarding this situation.

The Center had before told the summit court that a 10 percent EWS standard was acquainted with advance social equity by giving equivalent open doors in advanced education and work to the people who were prohibited because of their monetary status.

A three-judge seat of the summit court in August 2020 had alluded the supplications scrutinizing its legitimacy to the Constitution seat.