Exaile is a solid choice for Ubuntu users to manage their music collections. It incorporates automatic fetching of album art, lyrics, artist/album information via Wikipedia, Last.fm scrobbling. It also supports Internet radio services like Shoutcast, includes tabbed playlists, and supports your iPod and other portable music players. Install Exaile 0.3.0 on Ubuntu
Let’s take a look at how to install Exaile 0.3 on Ubuntu 9.04. The first step in the process is to get PPA added to your software sources list. Go to System \ Administration \ Software Sources.
Go the the tab that reads Third Party Software and add the following:
Adding the OpenPGP security key
Go to the Exaile PPA page (At the end of the post)
Download the signing key 1024R/43CBFCC0 (At the end of the post) from the PPA page.
Copy the key information on to gedit and save the file as Exaile on your desktop. 4. Import the Exaile OpenPGP key (that you saved on your desktop) by going to the Authentication tab on software sources window.
Install Exaile
Drop down to terminal and type the following commands
This should download and install Exaile 0.3.0 on your machine which takes a couple minutes.
sudo apt-get install exaile
Running Exaile
You can run Exaile by going to:
Applications > Sounds & Videos > Exaile Music Player
If you are a Linux user and want a cool way to play and manage your music collection, you might want to give Exaile a try.
Download Exaile (updated)