MIC Gadget is out with a breaking story about an explosion at Foxconn’s Chengdu manufacturing plant that happened a few hours ago. This is the facility where they make iPad 2s. The explosion is said to have happened inside an “operating room”, the publication explained:

The factory has been sealed off by the police and reporters are not allowed to come near the stricken plant due to a possible secondary explosion. Additional reports claim that six men and a woman have been hospitalized in the Sichuan People’s Hospital, two of which are seriously injured. Chinese resident Ji Quing Ling provided this account of the unfortunate event:


Footage filmed by local television crews and eyewitnesses depict thick black smoke rising from the Foxconn’s Chengdu manufacturing facilities. At least a dozen fire engines can be seen at the scene attempting to extinguish fire. The smoke appears to be originating from what looks like the A5 building, the facility believed to be part of the iPad 2 assembly line.China Financial Daily says the explosion shattered the production building’s walls. When it occurred, “hundreds of people” were carrying out the production operations inside.